We are excited to introduce our newest team member, Daniella Stephens!
Daniella has been appointed as our part-time Grants Administrator, who amongst other tasks, will work closely with the Trust Manager Dr Philomena Cullen, in administrating our Large Grants Programme and preparing for The Charles Plater Trust Awards Ceremony in June.
Daniella has worked for the Catholic Church in various roles including Administration, Education, and Youth Ministry. She holds a First-Class (Hons) Ecclesiastical Bachelor of Divinity from the Maryvale Institute Birmingham. Much of Daniella’s formation has been through her involvement with the Prince of Peace Community and the New Dawn Conference.
Daniella is delighted to venture into a new season of working with The Charles Plater Trust:
“I am delighted to be given the opportunity to use my administrative and event management skills at the service of The Charles Plater Trust and its mission of furthering social justice in the light of the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching. Through my role as Grants Administrator, I can contribute in a small yet meaningful way to charity service users experiencing in their daily lives the principles of Catholic Social Teaching: Charity, solidarity, dignity, respect, community, compassion, stewardship, justice and peace, and consequently perhaps hearing in the depths and silence of their own hearts those gentle and life-giving words of Jesus Christ: “I have come so that [you] may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)
Daniella is excited to learn more about the various charities within the UK working to reduce poverty, exclusion and social and economic injustices and is keen to promote and celebrate the work of The Charles Plater Trusts’ charity partners by sharing the good news on our website, newsletter and social media platforms and most notably by organising our Awards Ceremony where successful applicants will be invited and celebrated.