Past Recipients

Chattertots East Berkshire Down Syndrome Support Group (South East)

Awarded amount


The CPT grant provided weekly speech and language therapy sessions for 10 pre-school children with Down Syndrome delivered by specially trained therapists.

Past Recipients

Team Domenica (Sussex)

Awarded amount


A specialist training mentor to support young people with learning disabilities to develop the skills, confidence, and independence to progress into meaningful employment.

Past Recipients

Soundabout, South East

Awarded amount


Supporting people with profound and multiple learning difficulties through music

Past Recipients


Awarded amount


The CPT grant will help provide weekly speech and language therapy sessions for 10 pre-school children with Down Syndrome delivered by specially trained therapists. The sessions focus on social skills, ora-motor development, vocabulary and sentence building and muscle control. This therapy gives these children the best possible start to life, in the aim that they can go on to mainstream education and independent lives. Funding these sessions helps protect the dignity of an at-risk group, in a societal context where 95% of babies diagnosed with Downs Syndrome in the womb are terminated.